The SFRA, dated July 2016, is a joint study with Wakefield Council and Calderdale Council.

It should be read in conjunction with the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and associated National Planning Practice Guidance (NPPG) .

Its purpose is to:

  • identify and analyse current and future broad scale flooding issues for key locations in Kirklees local authority area
  • provide support for further assessment and sequential testing of planning applications
  • support the Local Plan process

Find out if a site is in an area of high fluvial flood risk (flood zone 2 or 3)

First check the Environment Agency flood maps . These maps are updated on a quarterly basis.

Secondly, use SFRA Volume 1 and 2 and the SFRA maps in Set A below to examine if a site is in Flood Zone 2, 3a, 3ai or 3b.



Set A - SFRA maps

Set B - Indicative critical drainage areas (Kirklees)

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