George Hotel

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The contractors H H Smith took possession of the buildings on 3 October 2022 and the first job is to set up the site compound around the buildings. Security and CCTV will be installed on both sides of the Buildings on Railway Street and Station Street.

Temporary fencing has been erected on Station Street to help with the site compound until hoardings are installed.

The hoardings along Railway Street will be moved out further to accommodate the hoist for transporting materials up and down to the roof. The taxi rank spaces will be temporarily moved, directly across from where they currently park.

Station Street is now closed to traffic, and redirection of traffic has been introduced on St Peters Street to help with the closure. The parking on Station Street has been provisionally taken away whilst work is in progress.

Businesses on Station Street will remain open as usual.

Once the site compound is fully up and running, repairs shall begin on the roof, window and stonework the windows will also be given a facelift and include redecoration work.

The restoration work is planned to be completed October 2023.

The story so far

As part of the Huddersfield Blueprint vision, we are planning to bring about more residential development for Huddersfield. The aim is to deliver a variety of new homes. Including making best use of some of Huddersfield's beautiful heritage Buildingss.

The end result of this work will be to bring much-needed housing to the district, including properties to buy and rent, and a range of affordable homes. The new developments will also link closely to the wider Blueprint vision, giving disused buildings a new purpose and linking well with proposals for enhanced public spaces.

The Estate Buildings are already owned by the council and well-placed to support the overall vision of the Blueprint. New residents living in the town centre will help to support retail businesses and help nurture the culture, arts and leisure developments within the town centre.

Artist impression of how New Street will look

What's next?

Phase three of the project will involve working with potential developer Thirteen Group who could take ownership of the internal strip out and refit with a view to preparing the Buildings for residential and possible retail opportunities.

Thirteen Group are invested in town centre regeneration projects and has worked on conservation projects throughout the North of England.