Estate buildings

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Businesses in the Byram Arcade will remain open and trading as normal, with access via the public footpaths whilst the restoration work to The Estates Building is in progress.

The story so far

Byram Arcade has been identified as needing restoration work to the roof, windows and stonework.

Designed by the same architect as The Estates Building, William Henry Crossland, the arcade was completed in 1881. It is Huddersfield's oldest shopping centre. It's spread over three impressive floors and still has plenty of original design features, like the beautiful ironwork that adorns the staircases and balconies, and the colourful period tiles on the ground floor.

Artist impression of how New Street will look

What's next?

Outside the building

Scaffolding will be erected around the building by the end of November 2022, this will include Westgate and Station Street.

Once the scaffolding is up a thorough survey of the works needed will be carried out. We already know that essential works are needed on the roof, windows and stonework.

Inside the building

A scaffold crash deck will be installed in the centre of the ground floor underneath the glass roof, this is to protect the public whilst work is in progress. This will shut out the natural light into the arcade, however there will be lighting installed on the scaffolding to account for the natural light lost.

Businesses in Byram Arcade will remain open and trading as normal, with access via the public footpaths.

The work is expected to finish October 2023.