Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)
CIL Update: January 2021
As the government has stated an intention to replace the Community Infrastructure Levy process with a nationally-set Infrastructure Levy, the council has decided not to adopt CIL at this stage. This was discussed by the Cabinet on 19 January 2021. The decision was that:
- the council shall not adopt the Community Infrastructure Levy Charging Schedule at this stage
- implementation of the CIL will be reconsidered at a later stage, dependent on national government policy intentions and economic circumstances.
CIL Consultation update: June 2020
Whilst the council is committed to the adoption of CIL following the inspectors recommendations, it is considering its options relating to the anticipated timing of the adoption.
CIL Consultation update: January 2020
The council has now received the Examiners formal recommendations on the Kirklees Community Infrastructure Levy Draft Charging Schedule.
The council will now consider the Examiners recommendations and the formal adoption of CIL. Further updates will be published on this webpage at a later date.
All submission, examination documents and Examiners correspondence post examination can be viewed in the CIL Examination library.
CIL Consultation update: November 2019
The CIL Examination Hearing took place and closed on Monday 16th September 2019. Submitted hearing statements can be viewed in Section 3 of the CIL Examination Library.
The Examiner issued a message post hearing session requesting the Council to submit further information in relation to the issues raised at the hearing session. The message can be viewed in Section 2 of the CIL Examination Library.
The Council responded to the request and Ms Katie Child requested a consultation period of four weeks to provide an opportunity for respondents to comment.
- CIL/EX11 - Councils Final Report - Post Hearing Actions October 2019
- CIL/EX12 - Examiners Post Hearing Note to Council October 2019
The consultation period for comment on the council's response ran from Tuesday 22 October 2019 to Tuesday 19 November 2019.
The consultation on this document has now closed.
The council's response, note from the Examiner and representations received as part of the above can be viewed in Section 2 of the CIL Examination Library.
CIL Examination Library
All CIL information can also be found in the CIL Examination Library.
About the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)
Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is a system to charge developers to help pay for extra infrastructure across the district. The money can be spent on infrastructure which benefits our communities, including new schools, roads, transport services, sports facilities, playgrounds and green spaces.
More information: Planning Portal: Community Infrastructure Levy
The draft charging schedule was submitted to the Planning Inspectorate for examination on 25th April 2017. Since then, revisions to the National Planning Policy Framework and associated National Planning Practice Guidance have been published. This has led us to review the draft charging schedule and update the viability evidence in line with the revised guidance.
Statement of Modifications
A Statement of Modifications schedule has been produced to accompany the CIL examination submission material.
The statement lists proposed changes Kirklees Council are seeking to make to the CIL draft charging schedule. These include:
- changes due to new viability evidence
- other changes identified when reviewing the documentation after submission.
View the Statement of Modifications and supporting documents: Kirklees Council Planning Consultations
Submission for public examination
The CIL Draft Charging Schedule was submitted to the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government together with the Kirklees Local Plan, so that it could be examined by an independent Examiner.
The independent Examiner will work together with an independent Programme Officer to conduct the public examination. The Programme Officer manages all correspondence between the Examiner, Kirklees Council, and other people who will take part in the examination process.
It is the responsibility of all participants to keep up to date with hearing timetables and agendas as they evolve throughout the examination, these will be published on the examination website.
2016 Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) submission documents
Printed copies of the submission documents are also available for you to read at our customer service centres.
The independent examiner
Ms Katie Child B. Sc (Hons) MA MRTPI has been appointed by the Secretary of State to conduct the Examination.
All correspondence with the Examiner must be made through the Programme Officer.
The Programme Officer
Miny Schofield has been appointed as the Programme Officer. Her role is to:
- independently co-ordinate the administration of the CIL Examination Hearing Session
- liaise between the Examiner, the Local Authority and any other interested parties for the duration of the Examination.
- Miny Schofield, Local Plan Programme Officer
- Address 5 Stoney Hill, Bolehill, Matlock, DE4 4GH
- Phone 07799 724690
- Email
Consultations on the Community Infrastructure Levy
Prior to submitting our Local Plan, we consulted you on the Community Infrastructure Levy in November 2016. You can view all the comments we received using the Kirklees Planning Consultation Portal . All of these comments have been sent to the Planning Inspector.