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If you are concerned about someone, it can often be difficult to bring up the topic of mental health. We have some tips if you want to speak to someone but are worried about what to say, how to say it and possibly saying the wrong things.

Some tips for you

Start a conversation

Start by asking simple questions like 'how are things going?' and 'How are you doing?'. Don't be worried about having all the answers or knowing all the information, the first step is getting them to open up. Ask open-ended questions to help the conversation flow.

Listen without judgement

Because of the stigma surrounding mental health, it can be difficult to talk about this and can often leave the person feeling exposed and vulnerable, which can create a barrier to having open conversations. It's important to listen without judgement and give someone a safe space to talk. Try to give gentle encouragement and remind them that you are there if they need anything.

Stay in touch

Remember, you don't have to have all the answers. Keep checking in by texting, calling or arranging to meet.

Help and resources

It can be difficult to take the first step when asking for help. There are many people and resources available that can help you.

Find out more: Self-help resources

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