Funded by UK Government and Levelling Up

Marseden Blueprint Banner

Marsden is a rich combination of heritage and natural beauty with a vibrant sense of community. The Marsden Blueprint aims to make it an even more inviting place to live and visit.

Our Blueprint vision is funded by significant government investment and powered by community collaboration. It is focussed on improving the town centre and encouraging growth in the local economy. Using the 'What Matters to Marsden' community action plan, we can make sure everyone's voice is heard and can help shape Marsden's future.

How the investment is funded

TThe Blueprint is supported by funding from the Government's UK Shared Prosperity Fund and council investment. The key catalyst for this is the planned investment as part of the Trans Pennine route upgrade and investment being made by Government through the Levelling Up Fund. In March 2023, £5.6 million from the Levelling Up Fund was allocated for the redevelopment of New Mills, with an additional £11.7 million coming from private development partners to help transform the heart of Marsden, offering new spaces for shops, businesses, and homes.

Application for Levelling Up Funding - Marsden New Mills Redevelopment Scheme


Our engagement with the Marsden community has been ongoing for 18 months through the Place Standard initiative. Although we have not started formal consultations on the Blueprint, we plan to engage with residents, businesses and other stakeholders from Summer 2024. This next phase will bring our community and stakeholders together to shape the future of Marsden.

Place Standards

'What Matters to Marsden' has sparked lots of conversations about life in Marsden, led by local community groups with support from the council. The feedback gathered has been used to form an action plan. This plan directly informs the Blueprint, guiding our steps to make Marsden a better place for all.

Learn more about What Matters to Marsden , the community action plan, and how to get involved.

Latest news

On 12 March 2024, Kirklees Cabinet approved funding for Marsden Blueprint . We are now forming the community partnership and getting the specialist support needed.

Supported by West Yorkshire Combined Authority

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