What digital skills are and why are they important

Kirklees Digital Hub

The term digital skills describes an essential set of skills in our connected world. These are the skills that you need to use computers and other digital devices to access and manage information. Basic digital skills are now as important as basic literacy and numeracy skills, because they underpin so much communication and interaction in today's world.

Across Kirklees we have a number of free courses and activities that you can access with a level to suit everyone, from beginners to intermediate through to more advanced courses.

Essential skills

If you are aged 19 or over and have little or no experience using computers and other digital devices, or have low digital skills, you can study a Digital Essential Skills qualification for free.


Know the basics and just want to see what you can learn? Digital access at digital hubs tells you where you can go. At our digital cafafés you can try out equipment, have a cuppa and talk about all things digital. You can self-teach on the basics of digital through online platforms such as:

Free online courses

For a more structured experience, you may want to explore free online courses to gain basic knowledge and essential digital skills. They let you learn at your own pace and at a slightly deeper level than self-learning.

Kirklees Council courses

Kirklees Council has a range of short courses that will give you skills and confidence covering:

  • online safety
  • how to use apps
  • how to send emails
  • all things digital.

Adult Learning Timetable 2023-2024

Other courses

Certificate and other higher level programs

Need something more advanced? Universities and college settings offer dedicated certificate programs that deliver intense, in-depth instruction. This ensures students are equipped with the digital skills and training to get them a job in the digital sector workforce.

Contact us for more information

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