Multi-agency processes

Statutory agencies in Kirklees have established two multi-agency processes to respond to the most serious cases of domestic abuse in Kirklees:

1. Daily Risk Assessment Management Meeting (DRAMM)

The DRAMM is a daily meeting of agencies which takes place from Monday to Friday. It discusses police incidents and MARAC referrals from the previous 24 hours, or the previous 72 hours when held on a Monday. DRAMM agencies share information about victims, perpetrators and children, conduct a risk assessment and implement a safety plan. This includes an offer of appropriate services for victims, perpetrators and any children that may be affected by the abuse.

2. Multi-agency Risk Assessment Conference (MARAC)

MARAC is a fortnightly meeting of 18 agencies that discuss high risk cases that have been referred by the DRAMM. MARAC agencies meet to share information about victims, perpetrators and children; conduct a risk assessment and review the safety plan that was developed and implemented by the DRAMM; and consider if additional actions are required to improve victim safety.

DRAMM-MARAC aims to:

  • Share information to increase the safety, health and wellbeing of victims and their children
  • Determine the risk posed by the perpetrator to an individual, their family and the wider community
  • Implement an integrated risk management plan
  • Reduce repeat victimisation
  • Improve agency accountability
  • Reduce repeat victimisation
  • Improve agency accountability
  • Improve support for staff involved in high risk domestic abuse cases

Practitioners from all agencies should refer high risk cases to DRAMM-MARAC.

Step 1: Identify if a case is high risk

  • To determine if a case is high risk, practitioners will need to complete a Domestic Abuse, Stalking and Harassment and Honour Based Violence (DASH) risk assessment with the victim.

Clock Completing this form takes around 10 minutes

Download risk assessment form

After you've completed the (DASH) risk assessment form

  • If the risk assessment score is 14 or more, the DRAMM-MARAC threshold for high risk has been met and you should go to Step 2: Make a referral to DRAMM-MARAC.
  • If the risk assessment score is under 14 it is considered low to medium risk. Support can be accessed via the Pennine Domestic Abuse Partnership .

Step 2: Making a referral to DRAMM-MARAC

  • If the risk assessment score is 14 or more, the DRAMM-MARAC threshold for high risk has been met and you should make download the DRAMM-MARAC referral form.

Clock Completing this form takes around 10 minutes

Download referral form

After you've completed the referral form:

  • The referral form, and DASH risk assessment form, should be sent by secure email to Email
  • Once a referral has been made the referring agency will be invited to attend the DRAMM-MARAC meeting and present their case(s). All agencies that have signed the DRAMM-MARAC Information Sharing Protocol regarding confidentiality will be asked to search their records and provide relevant information to the DRAMM-MARAC meeting about cases being discussed

Professional judgement

Referrals are not solely based on the CAADA DASH indicator risk assessment score. A practitioner can still make a referral to DRAMM-MARAC based on their professional opinion if they believe the risk is such that it warrants a referral, or if there has been a notable escalation in the frequency or severity of incidents.

Procedures and guidance for partners

DRAMM-MARAC information for victims and survivors

Domestic Violence/Abuse

Domestic Violence/Abuse (DVA) can be any incident or behaviour that may be threatening, violent, or abusive. Examples can be psychological (playing with your mind), physical (hurting you) sexual (making you do things and have sex when you don't want to), financial (keeping your money and or not letting you have any money) or emotional (hurting your feelings by always putting you down). DVA is about someone you know, a past or current partner, or a member of your family trying to have power and control over you. It can happen to anyone by anyone.


DRAMM-MARAC stands for Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conference. DRAMM-MARAC meets regularly in Kirklees where workers from a number of agencies discuss your safety, health and well being and that of your family members who are experiencing what we call high risk domestic abuse. The aim of the DRAMM-MARAC is to increase your and your family's safety.

DRAMM-MARAC referrals

You get referred to DRAMM-MARAC if you are identified as being at high risk. That means if you are at risk of serious current or future harm. Normally that is because of what the abuser is doing or threatening to do. The worker from the agency referring you to DRAMM-MARAC should speak to you about it and ask if you are in agreement with it. Sometimes someone may be referred to DRAMM-MARAC without their agreement this happens when their or their children's safety is at real risk.

How DRAMM-MARAC will help

If you are referred into the DRAMM-MARAC it is because you are believed to be at high risk of current or future harm. Agencies will be trying to make you safer by working together and with you to help and support you. Some of the actions a DRAMM-MARAC might take include:-

  • making sure any agencies you approach are aware of your situation so they can support you better
  • getting you specialist domestic abuse advice and support
  • making your home more secure
  • assisting with housing issues
  • arranging joint meetings to coordinate any support you need
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