Plan an outdoor event

Seasonal events

Remembrance Day

Remembrance Day parades and ceremonies vary in size, from a small wreath laying ceremony at a village memorial to a parade through a town which requires road closures and other considerations.

Guidance on organising a parade or ceremony


Christmas light switch on events can vary in size from a small gathering around a village Christmas tree to an event that includes entertainment on a stage or on the street, a parade, market stalls, marquees along with an audience ranging from a few hundred to thousands.

Grant funding for festive lighting displays

Kirklees has some funding available which can be used towards costs such as product testing, installation and dismantling of lights, the purchase of new festive lighting and insurance costs

Each applicant will only receive a proportion of the cost and it will be paid after the event on receipt of the relevant invoices.

The amount received will depend on the number of applications submitted. We are receiving more applications each year and this will affect the amount of funding each applicant will be granted.

Installation of festive lighting

To attach festive lighting to structures such as lighting columns or install crossings above a highway, all fixings must be compliant and follow current regulations. For example, you should not lean a ladder against a lighting column to install festive lighting.

Contact for funding and installation guidance

Please contact for more information and to see the Street Lighting Attachment Policy.

Guidance on organising a Christmas light switch on event

Firework displays and Bonfire Night events

In Kirklees, we want all firework displays and bonfire events to take place as safely and enjoyably as possible. There are certain legal requirements organisers must comply with when holding a firework and/or bonfire event, so it is really important organisers plan well ahead and inform the right people including the West Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Service and Kirklees Council. Please read the Firework and bonfire event safety guidance for more information

As with any event, if you are inviting members of the public to your event, as a minimum, you should have a full Risk Assessment (RA) and Public Liability Indemnity insurance cover in place. Depending on the size and complexity of the event, you may also to produce an Event Management Plan (EMP). See the help and advice section for the Event Management Plan and Risk Assessment templates and guidance.

Before you book

Things to consider before you book

Why you are holding the event

Make sure you have a reason for organising the event. For instance, do you want to bring the local community together or have you thought of something no one else is doing? (there could be good reason for this!). This may be obvious when you start but it can evolve and change direction (sometimes unintentionally) throughout the planning process.

Who your target audience is

Teenagers, mixed age groups, families only, or other groups. This will help you decide what the event content will be, how long it might last.

What the event includes

Have a clear idea of what your event will look like. Deciding who you are aiming the event at and why you are doing it will help you to decide what content will attract the audience you want.

Where you will hold the event

Look through our outdoor event Spaces.

Finding the right location is essential. Consider:

  • Access for you and the target audience
  • Transport links
  • Ground condition - what if the weather is bad?
  • Car parking
  • On site facilities (for instance toilets, power and water supply)

When the event will happen

Decide the best day of the week, time of day and year to hold your event. Always research what else is taking place to make sure your event does not clash with another one nearby otherwise you could be competing for the same audience!

Check out other events that are taking place: Events and things to do

Volunteers, street performers and musicians

Finding volunteers to help deliver your event, street performers, artists and musicians can be difficult. Search for local performers and activity providers at Creative Kirklees and sign up for their newsletter. You can also register and upload the details of your event to help promote it as well as advertising for volunteers and performers

If you require more information contact Creative Development

Check the space is available

Each of our outdoor event Spaces has contact details to check the space is available.

Your application


When to apply
What your event includes When to apply
Stages, marquees, portaloos, sound and lighting rigs At least 6 months before the event
Expected crowd of 500 or more people At least 6 months before the event
None of the above At least 8 weeks before the event
Road closures Apply for a road traffic closure at least 6 weeks before your event.
Request a road closure

Application forms to hire an outdoor space

Licence applications forms

You may need to apply for a variety of licenses to cover the activities at your event. Application forms includes the licences you may need to apply for.

Road closure application

Environmental issues

If you are serving food

Check the regulations and make sure you comply: Food safety at outdoor events

If your event will generate noise

  • Talk to people in neighbouring properties
  • Make sure you are being reasonable about the time and level of noise at the event
  • Get the correct permissions.
  • Avoid holding a noisy event in an area with neighbouring properties too close to another similar event.


It is the responsibility of the event organiser to make the necessary arrangements to remove all waste produced by the event and leave the site clean and tidy. Kirklees Trade Waste may be able to help by providing extra bins for use at your event.

Signage on listed buildings

There are strict deadlines to display promotional materials on listed buildings. Find out if a building is listed

Signage can cause significant harm to a listed building and should be avoided as much as possible. Contact Planning at an early stage to discuss your proposal.

It is important that the building remains prominent and no works are carried out that affects its special architectural or historic significance.

Get listed building consent

Apply for listed building consent if you want to attach any form of advertisement or banner that will alter the significance of the listed building. This includes fixings.

You may also need listed building consent for work to separate buildings and structures within the grounds of a listed building.


To book council land for an event as a minimum:

  • a non-commercial organisation has to provide a full risk assessment and proof of Public Liability Insurance cover of at least £5 million
  • a commercial event or organisation has to provide a full risk assessment and proof of Public Liability Insurance cover of at least £10 million.

Depending on the risk, scale and nature of the event, the council reserves the right to request:

  • a higher level of public liability insurance cover and more detailed documentation
  • more detailed documentation such as an Event Management Plan and Site Plans

Risk Assessments including Counter Terrorism guidance

It is the organiser's responsibility to do a full risk assessment, irrespective of how small the event is. It is a simple way to identify potential hazards and record sensible measures to control the risks to people at your event. Acts of terrorism and Covid-19 (if applicable) should be considered as part of your assessment, and should be completed by someone who has the necessary ability and knowledge to do so.

Risk assessments and the Event Management Plan

How to do a risk assessment with blank risk assessment templates

Event management plan template and guidance

Counter terrorism

Whilst it may seem unlikely that an attack would take place at your event, as the organiser, you have a responsibility to raise awareness and be prepared for such an occurrence. For example, large vehicles at the front and rear of a parade will help mitigate a vehicle attack on the parade - this includes accidental events, such as the loss of control to a vehicle with no malice intended. Look at the event site, identify where the vulnerable points might be and act accordingly by making it more difficult for an attack to take place.

You should also ensure staff working on the event are trained to be aware of the type of threats that could happen and how to respond. Take appropriate measures which are proportionate for the size of your event.

Action Counters Terrorism

See, Check and Notify (SCaN)

Protect UK

Produced by the North East Counter Terrorism Unit, please find below an example of a Counter Terrorism Risk Assessment for a typical small local festival.

Counter Terrorism Risk Assessment - Small Local Festival

Mitigation of Terrorist Threats at Venues during Ingress and Egress Guidance

This guidance provided by the National Protective Security Authority looking at the mitigation of terrorist threats during ingress and egress of venues covers both indoor venues and temporary outdoor venues, such as music festivals where there might be the potential for large queues or crowds to gather whilst prior to accessing the event space (eg due to security checks) and also when leaving the event.

After you have applied

After you submit your application form

  • We will share your application form with the council's Highways, Licensing, Cleansing, and Environmental Health services.
  • We will also inform the Police, Fire and Ambulance services.
  • Depending on the size and nature of the event, we may ask you to attend a Safety Advisory Group (SAG) meeting.

Safety Advisory Group (SAG)

We want to promote reasonably practicable standards of public safety at all events so they are safe, secure and enjoyable.

  • The Safety Advisory Group (SAG) includes people from Highways, Licensing, Cleansing, and Environmental Health as well as the Police, Fire and Ambulance services.
  • It may meet to discuss applications and the event organiser may be required to attend.
  • It advises and helps manage the impact of events held on public and private land and on the highway.
  • It may offer suggestions and advice to an event organiser.
  • An event organiser can request a SAG meeting to get advice.
  • The SAG Chair decides whether a SAG meeting is necessary or not.

What you need to supply to the SAG

You must supply all documentation related to the event.

This may include:

  • Event Management Plan including site plans
  • Traffic Management Plan
  • Risk assessments
  • First Aid / Medical Plan
  • Stewarding & Security Plan

For more information about Kirklees Safety Advisory Group

Safety Advisory Group Terms of Reference

Safety Advisory Group meetings - what to expect (FAQs)

Hire charges

Commercial and non-commercial organisations are charged differently.

Hire charges
Type When fee is taken Commercial fee Non-commercial fee Notes
Admin fee When booking is confirmed £32.50 £32.50 Non-refundable
Deposit When booking is confirmed Full rate 50% of full rate Non-refundable. Deducted from final hire charge. Treated as cancellation fee
Bond No later than six weeks before hire period Full rate 25% of full rate Council may deduct cost of any repairs or additional charges incurred by the council which the hirer is liable for. Refunded after the event once any charges have been deducted
Hire fee 25% paid as deposit. 75% to be paid at least one week before the event Full rate 50% of full rate Charge to use a council controlled open space. Doesn't include hire of equipment or anything else
Cancellation fee Upon cancellation Full rate 25% of full rate Taken if the hirer cancels within a stipulated timeframe or other conditions set out in any terms and conditions. It is equal to the non-returnable deposit