View information about planned roadworks in our area using the interactive map on the national Roadworks website.

The map is searchable and shows dates, severity of impact, and who is responsible for the works.

Diversion routes during road closures for works taking place are also shown.

You can also sign up for email alerts about roadworks in your area too.

Find roadworks on a map

Use the national Roadworks map to search for roadworks.

View the roadworks map

How to use the roadworks map

When you first open the map, it automatically displays roadworks which are happening today. You can change this once you've opened the map.

More is visible by zooming into the map.

You can change what is displayed on the map. Each type of information is called a map layer. You can add layers like public transport or how fast or slow the traffic is on main routes right now.

You can also see roadworks happening in other counties.

How to sign up for email alerts

When you are on the roadworks map, sign up for alerts by clicking on the symbol.

You can choose what you would like to receive alerts about, and how often you would like to receive them.

Works to the M62

National Highways are responsible for the M62.

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