About the site

Birkenshaw Bottoms, located off Birkenshaw Lane is set to recieve funding through the Playable Spaces programme. This play area was selected as the first to be reviewed as it is one of the oldest play areas in the Birstall & Birkenshaw area. Birkenshaw Park, located on Bradford Road has also recieved funding through the planning process (S106). The two projects have been designed in tandem to ensure an exciting and diverse play offer within Birkenshaw.

Project overview

Together with Ward Councillors we've created a new design for redevelopment at Birkenshaw Bottoms.

This project aims to enhance the play provision by upgrading the traditional play equipment and introducing new natural play features as well as extending play throughout the site. The hope is to make the site an enjoyable play space for all ages and abilities. There are also plans to introduce a circular route perfect for young learners to practice riding their balance bikes, scooters and tricycles.

After engaging with the community on an initial proposal, the design was reviewed and it was agreed with Local Councillors that the following design would be implemented on site:

Next steps

The Project Team are currently in the process of procuring and appointing a contractor to complete the works on site. A formalised timeline for completion will be available upon contractor appointment.

Contact us

If you would like to contact the team about this project, or another play area in Kirklees please contact:-

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