This is a fantastic opportunity to shape your housing services in Kirklees!

Tenant Voice Panel

The Tenant Voice Panel is a panel set up in 2023 that forms part of our formal governance structure and ensures that Kirklees Council has the appropriate arrangements to meet its regulatory obligations for tenants. The panel will be involved in:

  • Formulation of housing-related policies.
  • Influencing decisions on housing services are delivered.
  • Scrutiny of Homes and Neighbourhoods performance.

Roles and responsibilities

Tenant Voice Panel members will be expected to:

  • Provide a tenant perspective on how housing services meet regulatory standards.
  • Oversee the delivery of the council's tenant involvement strategy.
  • Monitor service delivery against satisfaction measures.

The panel will inform tenant-facing strategies, comment on how well the tenants' voice is informing these and whether service improvements affect satisfaction levels.

Time commitment

Tenant Voice Panel meetings will take place at least four times a year. The panel can agree on when and how they meet. This will generally be in person, although online options are available. Panel members are required to attend training/development sessions.

Tenant Advisory and Grants Panel

The Tenant Advisory and Grants Panel was set up in 2021 and is a platform for tenants and leaseholders to influence housing and community services at a grass route level and to make sure their voices are heard by the council. The panel is also responsible for approving grants that Homes and Neighbourhoods offer for local community projects.

Roles and responsibilities

Tenant Advisory and Grants Panel members support delivering the tenant involvement strategy locally and in the community. This includes:

  • Sense-checking tenant-facing policies and procedures.
  • Commenting on tenant communications.
  • Awarding community grants and work.

The panel also works closely with Tenant and Resident Associations and other tenant representatives to ensure they can influence council housing services and decisions.

Time commitment

The Tenant Advisory and Grants Panel meet twice a month in person. Panel members are required to attend training/development sessions.

Join a tenant panel

Fill in our simple online form.

Clock Completing this form takes around 2 minutes

Apply online

After you've applied

You will be required to complete a short application form and participate in an interview.

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