Protecting your personal information is important to us. We don't use any cookies on our website that contain information which identifies you personally. However, we do use cookies on our website to help make your visit more effective. This policy explains how and why we use cookies.

What cookies are and what information we gather

Cookies are little data files which are sent to your web browser (for example, Internet Explorer or Google Chrome) from a website that you visit. They are stored on your computer's hard drive. When you visit the website again, the cookie allows that particular website to recognise your browser. Cookies may store user preferences and other information.

We gather basic information like what web pages you have looked at, your browser settings and when you visited our website.

Control your cookies

Cookie settings allows you to opt out of certain categories of cookies on this website.

How we use cookies

When you visit the Kirklees Council website, the web pages you see are downloaded to your web browsing device, along with a cookie. Cookies enable us to do useful things like find out whether you have visited our website before.

Some online services on our website use cookies for a specific reason - for example, when you apply for a job, pay your council tax bill, apply for a school place or report a faulty street light. Without cookies, you will not be able to use many of these services. When using these services no personal information is stored inside a cookie.

Information supplied by cookies can help us to analyse information about our visitors, which helps us to provide you with a better service, including content that better meets your needs.

Cookies in Kirklees Council website applications

We use cookies within our applications for the smooth running of our website, but we do not use the information collected to identity individuals. Most of the cookies that are created when you use our website are called 'session cookies'. These are cookies which expire when you leave the website (they only exist during your visit, also called a 'session').

If you choose to disable cookies, you will still be able to use our website. However, you may have limited access to some of the pages and some services may be less easy for you to use.

Some of our applications use cookies for authentication purposes (for example, for working out whether you are still logged in), which helps the system to run more smoothly. These applications are:

No user information or tracking information is stored in these applications' cookies.

Third party cookies

When visiting our website, you may also notice some cookies that are related to content from other websites. When you visit a page with content embedded from another site (for example, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter or Vimeo) you may be presented with cookies from these other websites. Kirklees Council does not control these 'third party' cookies. You should check the other websites for more information about their cookies.

Google site search and Google Analytics

Cookies on the Kirklees Council website

Compliance cookies

These cookies are created when you have seen the cookie banner, accepted cookies and have continued on to view pages on the Kirklees Council website, or when you have opted out of using cookies on the cookie settings page.

Compliance cookies
Name Expires Explanation
cookiesacceptedGDPR 1 month Stores preference for using non-essential cookies
cookiesdenied 1 month Stores preference for using non-essential cookies

Essential cookies

Essential cookies enable the functionality of the website to work. This includes allowing you to apply for a job with the council, pay your council tax bill and access applications on the website.

Essential cookies
Name Typical content Expires
ASP.NET_SessionId randomly generated characters At end of session
ASPSESSIONID cookies randomly generated characters At end of session
JSESSIONID SessionID At end of session
webchatdelay randomly generated characters At end of session

Performance cookies

Performance cookies collect information about how visitors use our website, so we know which pages are being viewed. This allows us to tailor the content on the website to meet the needs of the website users. These cookies do not collect or store any personal information.

Performance cookies (Google Analytics, Youtube)
Name Typical content Expires
_ga randomly generated string 1 year
_gat 1 53 seconds
_gid randomly generated string 24 hours
NID randomly generated string 6 months
_utma randomly generated string 2 years from set/update
YSC randomly generated string end of session
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