The Children's Rights Team make sure that you have opportunities to say what you think and have your views taken seriously when decisions are made about you, your life and your future.

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What we do


An advocate is a person who can make sure that your wishes and feelings are heard, this can be done by:

  • Supporting you at your review
  • Meeting you and listening to you
  • Helping you to make a complaint if you are not happy about something or a compliment if you are really happy about something
  • Giving you information and advice about your rights

If you are in the care of Kirklees Council then you have a legal right to an advocate!

If you would like to talk to an advocate then please contact us or complete the online form below and we will get in touch with you. You could always ask someone else to do it for you.

Other things that the Children's Rights Team do

It's my review

When you are in care you have a care plan which says how you should be looked after.

This needs to be talked about every few months - this is called your review.

Find out more about your review.

Children in Care Council (12-15 year olds) or Care Leavers' Forum (16-21 year olds)

You could join a group twice a month and meet up with other young people in care in Kirklees to have your say about services for young people in care or those who are preparing to leave care and help to improve them.

The Children in Care Council (aged 12-15) and the Care Leavers' Forum (aged 16-21 or 25 if in higher education) are ways in which children and young people who are looked after in Kirklees Council can have a say about things that really matter and affect your lives.

Find out more about the Children in Care Council and Care Leaver's Forum.

Independent visitors

An independent visitor is someone you can talk to, get along with and ask for advice as well as doing fun activities together.

Find out more about independent visitors.

Interview panels

You can take part in interview panels where you can have your say on candidates applying for jobs such as Social Workers, Personal Advisors, Advocates, Independent Reviewing Officers and other people who will work with young people in care in Kirklees to make sure the Council get the right people to support you.


You can be trained to deliver training to council staff and carers about what it is like to be in care so they can understand what life is really like for someone living in care and why it is important that they listen to what you have to say.

Contact the Children's Rights Team

If you are in the care of Kirklees Council and would like support then contact the Children's Rights Team:

Contact Us

Fill in our simple online form

Clock Completing this form takes around 5 minutes

Contact the Children's Rights Team

After you've completed the form

The Children's Rights Team will get contact with you.

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Make a complaint

01484 225140

Children and Young People's Service compliments and complaints

Kirklees Council, PO Box 1720, Huddersfield, HD1 9EL

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