A bungalow

The council has worked in partnership with independent sector providers of home support (home care or domiciliary care) to change the way that home support is delivered. We have moved from the 'time and task' model of home support to a relationship-based, personalised and outcome focussed model. In other words a model which is focussed on supporting people to 'live well at home'.

A man singing

Training videos

We have produced two training videos to support you to bring about this change in your company.

For owners, managers and senior staff

For front line staff

Sample templates

We have also produced the following sample templates for your use:

If you would like the sample documents in word format please email domcarecontracts@kirklees.gov.uk.

If you would like to talk with someone in the Council about using a personalised and outcomes focused model of home support please email domcarecontracts@kirklees.gov.uk and we will contact you.

A young man-pushing a friend in a wheelchair

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