These were the consultation draft versions of the Housebuilders Design Guide SPD, House Extensions and Alterations SPD, Open Space SPD and Biodiversity Net Gain Technical Advice Note. The adopted versions of the SPDs can be found at: Adopted Supplementary Planning Documents (SPD) and the Approved Technical Advice Note at: Guidance and advice notes.

The suite of quality places documents aim to deliver a higher standard of design in residential development within Kirklees. The detailed guidance is to be used early in the design, layout and planning of all new residential developments, including proposals for new houses, apartments, student housing, home extensions and alterations.

Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs) and other guidance documents are produced by the Council to provide further information and advice to the public, applicants and developers on the implementation of specific planning policies.

The SPDs and advice note will support the implementation of policies in the Local Plan which was adopted on 27 February 2019. Once adopted, these documents will be a material consideration in determining planning applications.

The consultation gave people the chance to comment on four documents:

  • Draft Housebuilders Design Guide SPD

    This guidance is intended for use by residential developers and aims to ensure future housing development is high quality, socially inclusive and built to high environmental standards. The document provides guidance for housing developers on working with the Council at the outset of the development process to meet our aspiration of achieving quality places.

  • Draft House Extensions and Alterations SPD

    This Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) has been prepared to help householders, developers, agents and architects who are planning and designing an extension or alterations (householder development) to an existing residential property, including conservatories and outbuildings, such as garages. It provides detailed guidance regarding the standard of development that will help achieve a well-designed house extension or alteration required by the Council.

  • Draft Open Space SPD

    The Open Space SPD provides detailed guidance for applicants and the local community on the requirements for open space, sports and recreation provision to serve new housing developments. It sets out a five step-by-step approach to be used in determining the types, amount and location of open space required to serve new housing developments across Kirklees.

  • Draft Biodiversity Net Gain Technical Advice Note

    The draft Biodiversity Net Gain Technical Advice Note provides clarity for applicants on how to achieve biodiversity net gain through development within Kirklees and supports national and local legislation. It sets out clear guidance on how biodiversity should be considered throughout the development process, including the utilisation of Defra's Biodiversity metric to demonstrate a 10% net gain in biodiversity which is due to be mandated by the Environment Bill.

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