Parish councils, town councils and local communities can help shape development in areas in which they live through neighbourhood planning by producing a Neighbourhood Development Plan, a Neighbourhood Development Order or Community right to build.

Neighbourhood areas in Kirklees

There are currently six designated neighbourhood areas in Kirklees.

Designated neighbourhood areas in Kirklees map

Neighbourhood planning support

Neighbourhood planning can include:-

  • Neighbourhood development plan - Allows the local community to formulate planning policies for the use and development of land and allocate land for development. The plan can be quite general or more detailed depending on what is important to the local community, but it must be in conformity with the strategic policies in the Local Plan and should not be used to promote a lower level of development.
  • Neighbourhood development order - Can grant planning permission for specified developments in a neighbourhood area, such as certain types of household extensions, shop fronts or 'green energy' proposals. Where there is a neighbourhood development order in place there would be no need to apply to the council for planning permission for the development it covers.
  • Community right to build - Allows local communities to undertake small-scale, site-specific, community-led developments. Homes, shops, businesses or community facilities could be built without going through the normal planning application process.

Getting started

How to create a Neighbourhood Plan: Your step-by-step roadmap guide explains the process of preparing a neighbourhood development plan.

Locality run a neighbourhood planning support programme and have published toolkits and guidance to support groups throughout the process of producing a neighbourhood development plan.

Groups can apply for Government grant funding and/or technical support if eligible to support the development of neighbourhood plans.

There are a number of ways, other than preparing a neighbourhood development plan, that communities can use to shape the future of their neighbourhood. Information on choosing the right approach for your community, such as preparing parish plans, community led plans or village design statements, is also set out in the Locality Roadmap.

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