The prevention, minimisation and control of the risk of health care associated infections to patients, staff, visitors and carers is a high priority for Kirklees and Wakefield Councils Public Health Services.

Infection prevention and control is about the reduction and prevention of infections, particularly those associated with healthcare. An example of transmission is infection being spread on the hands of healthcare workers or carers.

Work in this area includes:

  • Education and training in infection control
  • Staff use of good handwashing techniques
  • Use of alcohol hand rubs where appropriate
  • The use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) (such as disposable gloves and aprons)
  • Requiring and maintaining high standards of cleanliness in the environment, including equipment
  • Recognition, advice, education and support with signs and symptoms of infection
  • Infection Prevention and Control Audits of care provision
  • Working in partnership with Hospitals, Public Health and other government departments
  • Support to care organisations with outbreak issues

There are several guidance documents and legal Acts that underpin the work of infection control.

COVID-19 Outbreak Control Plan

Outlines clear roles and responsibilities of health and care services to manage outbreaks within a wide range of settings and population groups.

Kirklees Outbreak Control Plan

Health and social care guidance

This policy is provided to assist care homes managers in ensuring high quality infection prevention and control (IPC) practices are undertaken within their healthcare environment premises.

Management resources

Infection prevention audit toolkit

Guidance at a glance

Example documents

Antibiotic resistance and antibiotic guardianship

Environmental cleaning resources and posters

Risk assessments

Outbreak documents


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